Bikram Hot Yoga

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Our elbows and the biomechanics of Breath in Pranayama & Half-moon posture

Focusing on the elbows in Pranayama Deep Breathing and Half-moon in Bikram yoga recruits the supporting muscles of the diaphragm to fire together off our yoga mats.

In the video I am focusing on using my abdomen pull back, while tractioning my arms. This gets my lower back muscles to support a neutral ( non collapsing lower back ) off my mat. Breath work therapy has to come with a freeing of the shoulders to calm that tense rounding forward and gross negligence of the nerves to brain. Big inhales practiced in posture with a supported chest cavity on the exhale gives a stability to our bone joints in everything we do off our yoga mat. As this technique improves in yoga asana practice, quality of life improves off our yoga mats. We over emphasize a feeling of lift and traction in our yoga posture and this recruits stabilizing muscles to fire off our yoga mats.

We only care about what the yoga can do for us. This is a one way Self-care, Selfish relationship! Begin from where you are! Show up as you are.